Novikov Mykola Yevhenovych

Radiologist. Head of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology.

Used to work as a radiologist at the Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences.


Graduate medical education at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Postgraduate education and residency program in radiology and nuclear diagnostics at the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Fellowship and a PhD thesis at the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.


Diagnostic radiology and nuclear diagnostics in oncology, hybrid visualization technologies, radiomics and textural analysis in diagnostic radiology.

Certification training, scientific and educational activity

Regular participation at the international academic conferences and seminars, traineeships at the German and Israeli clinics.

Membership in professional organizations

ARU (Association of Radiologists of Ukraine).

ESR (European Society of Radiology).

ESOI (European Society of Oncologic Imaging).

EANM (European Association of Nuclear Medicine).

ESHI (European Society for Hybrid, Molecular and Translational Imaging) – member and ambassador in Ukraine.

List of publications

Author and co-author of more than 50 publications. The latest publications include:

  1. Babkina T. M. Modern techniques of a quantitative assessment of positron-emission tomography data in clinical practice / T. M. Babkina, N. Ye. Novikov // Diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy.  2015.  № 34.  p. 6672. – Access mode: 

2. Novikov M. Ye. Using metabolic positron-emission tomography together with computed tomography in diagnostics of patients with locally advanced invasive breast carcinomas / M. Ye. Novikov // Clinical Oncology.  2017.  №2.  С. 7174. – Access mode:

3. Babkina T. M. Correlation between quantitative metabolic parameters of malignant cervical tumors with the degree of their cell differentiation according to positron-emission tomography data. / T. M. Babkina, N. Ye. Novikov, A. B. Vinnytska // Clinical Oncology.  2018.  Т. 8, № 1.  С. 6164.  Access mode: 

4. Novikov M. Ye. Quantitative metabolic characteristics of the malignant squamous cell tumors of head and neck and textural features of their PET/CT images / T.M. Babkina, N.Ye. Novikov // A journal of ear, nose, and throat diseases.  №4. – С. 414. Novikov, M. Multiparametric quantitative and texture 18FFDG PET/CT analysis for primary malignant tumor grade differentiation European Radiology Experimental 2019 3:48.

5. Novikov N. Ye. Role of PET/CT in the staging of malignant neoplasms of oropharyngeal localization / Novikov N. Ye., Babkina T.M. // Academic materials of the IV National Congress with international participation [ Radiology in Ukraine 2016] (Kyiv, March 23-25, 2016). – Radiology herald, 2016, №12.  p. 5253.

6. Novikov M. Ye. Techniques of estimating volumetric metabolic parameters in PET/CT / M.Ye. Novikov, T.M. Babkina Materials of the V jubilee international medical congress [Implementation of the achievements of the modern medical science in the Ukrainian healthcare practice] (Kyiv, April 19-21, 2016). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

7. Novikov M. Ye. The role of PET/CT with FDG in staging of invasive malignant breast tumors / M. Ye. Novikov, T.M. Babkina // Theses of the 5th national congress with international participation [ Radiology in Ukraine ] (Kyiv, March 22-24, 2017). – Radiology herald, 2017, №12(6263).  p. 5354. 

8. Novikov M. (2017, March) Pearls and Pitfalls of Different Parameters in Quantitative 18FFDG PETCT Assessment. Poster session presented at European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria.

9. Novikov M. Ye. PET/CT of the primary head and neck tumors: quantitative analysis of metabolic parameters / M. Ye. Novikov, T.M. Babkina // Theses of the 6th national congress with international participation [ Radiology in Ukraine ] (Kyiv, March 28-30, 2018). – Radiology herald, 2018, №12(6667).  p. 3839. 

10. Novikov M., Babkina T. (2018, October) Relation between metabolic PET textural indices and differentiation grade of head and neck squamous cell tumors. Poster session presented at 7th Baltic Congress of Radiology, Kaunas, Lithuania. 

11. Novikov M., Influence of segmentation techniques on volumetric and textural metabolic parameters of primary tumors on 18FFDG PET/CT imaging. (Abstract). ECR 2019: Book of Abstracts. Insights Imaging 10, 22 (2019) doi:10.1186/s132440190713y.

A list of the types of interventions, methods of treatment that you know and use

Different modalities (X-ray, CT, MRI, PET/CT, scintigraphy, and SPECT) that are used to assist the tasks of diagnostic oncological visualization. 

Online reference